Stinky Business

Maatjes aka Hollandse Nieuwe aka Maatjesharing

When you love food then you’ll always want to try as many typical local dishes and foods when travelling.

Well how about trying something stinky lol – other than stinky French or Danish cheese lol!? 😜

How about this typical Dutch treat in the form of raw soused fish called ‘maatjesharing’.

It’s salty and delicious and available at any fish stand or fish shop, served with finely chopped raw onions unless you want to skip those.

You can eat it with a fork or ask for the fish to be cut into smaller pieces for you.

Or, if you are the adventurous type and want to eat it the very traditional way, then you can hold the fish by its tale, vertically, in front of your mouth and bite off a piece! 😆

Whichever way you have it, make sure you don’t eat it before an important even or a date lol, because all will be able to know (read: smell 😂) what you had earlier that day! 😉

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